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illustrations of a man working on a laptop while holding a baby, three people standing while talking, twon people talking to a person in a wheelchair, and a woman cooking with two children.
A Guaranteed Income for the 20th Century

May 2021 / Protections & Benefits A Guaranteed Income for the 20th Century A report from The New School… Read More

Arts Workers in California

May 2021 / Protections & Benefits Arts Workers in California Creating a more inclusive social contract to meet arts workers’… Read More

Survival Economies: Black Informality in Chicago

May 2021 / Protections & Benefits Survival Economies Black informality in Chicago… Read More

Guilded – A Freelancer-Owned Cooperative

May 2021 / Protections & Benefits Guilded – A Freelancer-Owned Cooperative Protecting freelancers against wage theft… Read More

More Than Enough, The Nation
More Than Enough

May 2021 / Protections & Benefits More Than Enough Guaranteed Income as a tool to transform people’s lives. Read More

Targeted Universalism

May 2021 / Protections & Benefits Targeted Universalism Policy & Practice download… Read More

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